All Reviews So Far
A little bit mellow overall. Just a bit of a strange day, coming out of my cold and all. It was relaxing though, and I feel so calm.
Nu-nu Extra had a very long lasting burn in the nostril, which was not unpleasant, and it was calming. Jatoba, as always, was truly profound, and it's left me in anotherworld. I'm so positive about life and the future.
A lovely ceremony and a nice end to my day.
Such a wonderful and somewhat unique meditation with an interested new combination of Warrior Princesse and Peace, which brought great peace. Nu-nu Extra again had a lasting burn, but it was actually pleasant.
A nice burn from Nu-nu Extra and a very deep meditation from this Cumaru. Whwat a blessing. A lovely shiny hot day and everything is so good and positive.
Nu-nu Extra again had that long-lasting burn in the nostril, but it was actually quite pleasant and calming. Warrior brought great depth and calm, and I feel absolutely at peace and amazing afterwards. What a blessing to my day.
A really peaceful meditation, actually from both rapés, although Nu-nu Extra was burning throughout. My mind nicely cleared!
Nu-nu Extra was just so rough going in and stayed burning, especially in the throat. Floresta was very nice and calming, and this meditation was just what I needed to clear my mind from stress.
It's the first time I've had Tarzan in a very long time, and have opened a new vial. It was profound and very loving, bringing peace, although there was some mind-chatter.
A relaxing meditation, although disturbed by a mind that was a little busy. I feel good afterwards though.
I think this is only the second time for Kapaxanba. It's truly a potent and very loving blend that sent me into a deep meditation. I just feel so sleepy today though after no sleep at all last night!
7 Ervas was truly profound and I felt so connected to the Universe, with a quiet and satisfied soul. I feel so thankul.
It was a nice meditation that served to calm my mind, although I had a slightly jittery mind that I managed to subdue. A lovely calm day and nice evening ahead, and I'm so grateful and blessed.
A lovely meditation from a combination of two potent rapés. A nice end to the afternoon and a good day.
Nu-nu Extra actually wasn't bad - very calming. Overall a fantatically peaceful meditation so full of love.
This was a really pleasant and peaceful meditation, where I sent love to the world. I'm so grateful and hopeful.
A lovely deep meditation, and just what I needed to round off my day.
Wow, even Nu-nu Extra was the most potent it's ever been in this meditation, and Samauma brought me into a deep, almost mystic sensation and pure love and connectedness.
A rare meditation involved four rapés. I went quite deep. It wasn't the best ceremony, but it was quite intense, and just what I needed for a very busy day. I feel very good!
Just an incredible ceremony and very profound and loving. Nu-nu Extra was actually quite calming, although it had that lasting burn in the nostril. Madre is truly amazing and uplisted my spirits.
Nu-nu Extra, despite having that lasting burn, was actually nice and peaceful, and I had a lovely meditation overall. I'm just so grateful for how things are turning out in England and the world, with the darkness lifting quickly now.
Nu-nu Extra really is a very rough rapé, and its burn lasted here throughout. Warrior Princesse was lovely and brought a nice calm.
Even in combination with another rapé, Nu-nu Extra still leaves that lasting sting in the nose and is very mild. Overall though, it was a very pleasant meditation and brought a loving peace.
Nu-nu Extra causes way too saliva and is mild. Mulata brought a pleasant somewhat deep meditation. Some mind-chatter, but I dispelled most of it.
I'm continuing to experiment with this version of Cumaru, and it's amazing, bringing a loving meditation and quite deep. Some strange energies at this time though. Slightly ill-at-ease, but it was a lovely peaceful ceremony.
It should have been a good ceremony, but it's a pity about the interruption. I bit rushed as well. Nevertheless, a very good aftereffect that lasted.
Surprisingly the left-nostril combination was fantastic! It brought a deep sense of calm and knowing. It was a lovely meditation overall, but I can't wait to get rid of this cold soon.
Nu-nu Extra continues to be disappointing, with its pungent feel in the nostril. Madre was a little subtle, but perhaps by intentenion, as I have some heavy cleaning up to do. A nice ceremony nevertheless, despite it being a bit cut short at the end with an interruption.
Nu-nu Extra was actually pretty decent, bringing a nice calm. Madre was a tiny little bit milder than normal, but still an absolutely beautiful blend, withing a deep meditation full of love, anchoring me through my crown chakra to Mother Earth. Very good.
Again that lasting airy roughness from Nu-nu Extra. The right-nostril combination was a little on the subtle side (maybe some mucus got in the way?). A pleasant ceremony though, and I felt and feel really calm.
Nu-nu Extra, even though mixed with another rapé, had that slightly off-putting pungent minty sensation again. Moy Cumaru however brought a lovely meditation. Some mind-chatter, but not too bad.
The left nostril combination worked nicely, bringing peace. The Warrior was really nice, if a little bit subdued. Strange energies right now.
Having just ordered some more Divine Union, I thought I'd celebrate with some of it. It was truly magical! I think for the left nostil, this amount of Nu-nu Extra is enough though. An amazing, loving ceremony, and I feel fantastic! (I tried a new sound track, which I can't wait to experiment more with!)
The left nostril combination surprisingly was truly magical, bringing a very profound sense of peace and gratitude. My life is so blessed.
The left nostril combination was very rought and stinging (that lasted) but was very pleasant. The Tornado brought a deep meditation. I've found though that the deepness for this rapé is a little short-lived.
The Nu-nu Extra is unique, but not in a good way - it leaves a strong sensation of (perhaps) mintiness in the nostril, that is a little offputting. Tornado was affected by this. I sensed my chakras, but there was some mind-chatter and it was only an okay meditation.
I think I've said it before, but the Nu-nu Extra is a very unusual rapé, somewhat herbal minty, and earthy at the same time, and it has the feeling of sticking in the nostril. Not altogether unpleasant, but too much would be unpleasant. Tornado brought a lovely meditation.
The left nostril combination filled me with a wonderful sense of calm, and the Canela do Velho brought a loving meditation.
The Nu-nu Extra was mild but pleasant - very subtle. The Pau Pereira brought me into a connected meditation, but it was all a little strange and somehow rushed. Strange energy.
The Nu-nu Extra is truly a strange rapé. Very herbal, vegetal, and something else (maybe umami?). It had a somewhat mild effect, but I could feel it all all the time up my nose. Weird. Samauma was as always amazing, bringing a profound meditation. In particular, I felt a deep activation of my sacral chakra, which really lasted.
I tried my new rapé, Nu-nu Extra, from the Matses tribe. A new tribe for me. Honestly, it was milder than expected, especially for the quantity, but I definitely need to give it more opportunities to make a proper judgement. It was quite earthy going down. I felt peace, but my mind is a little chattery from some stressful situation I'm going through right now.